Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Garnett almost up 10 100%

It was reported that Kevin Garnett played through 75% of a recent practice and is eagerly awaiting the season.
Garnett stated "the first day felt good"

October 7th (opening day) cant come soon enough.

good luck KG

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Garnett getting ready for the season

Kevin Garnett, is working out everyday getting ready for the season. he is recovering from his knee injury he had last season. he got some surgery done and is now preparing for the 09-10 season He isnt playing full court basketball yet but he has a ton of energy and is anxiously awaiting to play. the Boston Globe reported that Rajon Rondo is excited to play on the court with Garnett again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The 2009-2010 season is right around the corner. First game for the Celtics is Wednesday October 7th. This should be a good considering that Boston aquired Rasheed Wallace from the Detroit Pistons. Wallace can play the 3,4 or 5 position. I'm curious to see how Rasheed will play, he is a big player who can shoot 3 pointers. The celtics more recently got Marquis Daniels from the Indiana Pacers. He plays shootinig gaurd and small foward. Daniels is a good player but needs to work on ball handeling and 1 on 1 defense. This should be a good year for Boston, I expect to see them in the Finals with the Lakers once again...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This blog is about the Boston Celtics, present team as well as classic dynastys will be discussed. scores and standings will be posted when the season begins.
stayed tuned for more posts.