Tuesday, December 8, 2009

celtics win all 4 away games.

After defeating Miami the Celtics went on to defeat the Charlotte Bobcats, San Antonio Spurs and Oklahoma City Thunder. The Celtics stand at 16 wins and 4 losses at this point.
Boston will play the Milwaukee Bucks tonight

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Celtics Improve to 13-4

Boston beat the Miami Heat 92-85
Kevin Garnett scored the most points for Boston with 24. Paul Pierce scored 15.

Monday, November 23, 2009

KG Hits the game winner

On Sunday afternoon Kevin Garnett hit a jump shot to win the game in overtime for the Celtics agains the New York Knicks. Paul Pierce led the scoring on the Celtics side with 33 points. Pierce's 3 point game was really on for this game he was 6 for 7 behind the arc. Kendrick Perkins had the second most with 16.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Celtics back on their feet

on wednesday the Celtics defeated the Golden State Warriors 95-109
this was a big win concidering Boston lost the last 2 games before it

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celtics lose the last 2 games

The celtics were defeated by the Atlanta Hawks and then again my the Idiana Pacers. they lost each game by more than 10 points. Boston seems to be in a bit of a slump lately. the team didnt seem to have the rythym that they usually have. Next game is scheduled to be against the Golden state Warriors on wednesday. Good Luck Boston

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Celtics crush the Jazz 86-105

The Celtics are still doing great this season with a record of 8 wins and one lonely loss. The celtics used three point shooting aswell as fast breaks to the basket to beat the Utah Jazz on wednesday night. Boston had some slick plays where they move3d the ball around alot to breakdown Utahs defense. Kevin Garnett lead the Celtics scoring with 18 points, and Ray Allen was not too far behind with 15 points. The celtics also had two reserves with double digits for points. Rasheed Wallace had 12 points and Marquis Daniels dished out 10.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Celtics Start the Season well with 7 wins and one loss

Last game the Celtics defeated the New Jersey Nets 86-76. Rajon Rondo and Paul Pierce played well with 16 points a piece. Ray Allen has been struggling this season with his 3 point shot. He was 0-3 from behind the arc agains the Nets. This goes to show that the bench really helps back up the team.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Tonight The Boston Celtics won the first six games of this years season undefeated. Boston just barely beat Minesota Timber Wolves 92-90 the Rojon Rondo Played well scoring 18 points. Ray Allen scored 14 points but wasnt doing well at all for his three point shots, he only hit 1 for 7. overall the Celtics didnt play a great game, this game was the closest of the season. The Celtics have the potential to play much better than they did tonight.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Celtics Undefeated

The celtics record as of this season is 4-0. lets hope we keep up the good work tonight against the Philidelphia 76ers.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Celtics beat the Bobcats in the home opener. The celtics beat the Bobcats 92-59. The Celtics were really on top of things on wednesday nights game. Ray Allen had 18 points including four 3 pointers, Paul Pierce added 15 points including three 3 pointers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Celtics Open the Regular season strong

The Celtics won Game ! of the Regular season last night against the cleavland Cavaliers. 95- 89
The celtics trailed behind cleavland for most fo the first half, but played great offense and defense in the second half of the game. the celtics strong bench really helped with the victory against cleavland. Garnett struggled a bit throughout the game, the commentators often commented on how he is getting used to his recently operated on knee. the celtics are due to play Charlotte bobcats tonight at 8:30

Monday, October 19, 2009

Celtics VS Raptors

The Celtics beat the Raptors 101- 82
The Big Three are looking great as always. Garnett has been his regular in the paint-dominating self. The Celtics defense is looking pretty good this year. its arguably the best in the league. Boston has good chance at the championship this time around.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Celtics beat raptors

the Cs overcome the raptors 106 to 90. the big 3 really held it down in the first part of the game. Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett scored more than 10 points a piece in the time they played. the Celtics defense was very effective, and their scoring in the ppaint was pretty flawless.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Celtics lookin good

Celtics won 4th win over the Nets in the preseason. the bench is looking rather good this year for the C's. regular season starts tuesday the 27 @cleavland

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The season kicks off tommorow night, We will probably see alot of bench pints this season, considering the new players Rasheed Wallace and Marquis Daniels. not to mention that Garnett, Pierce and Alan arent getting any younger, good luck tommorow celtics.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Garnett almost up 10 100%

It was reported that Kevin Garnett played through 75% of a recent practice and is eagerly awaiting the season.
Garnett stated "the first day felt good"

October 7th (opening day) cant come soon enough.

good luck KG

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Garnett getting ready for the season

Kevin Garnett, is working out everyday getting ready for the season. he is recovering from his knee injury he had last season. he got some surgery done and is now preparing for the 09-10 season He isnt playing full court basketball yet but he has a ton of energy and is anxiously awaiting to play. the Boston Globe reported that Rajon Rondo is excited to play on the court with Garnett again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The 2009-2010 season is right around the corner. First game for the Celtics is Wednesday October 7th. This should be a good considering that Boston aquired Rasheed Wallace from the Detroit Pistons. Wallace can play the 3,4 or 5 position. I'm curious to see how Rasheed will play, he is a big player who can shoot 3 pointers. The celtics more recently got Marquis Daniels from the Indiana Pacers. He plays shootinig gaurd and small foward. Daniels is a good player but needs to work on ball handeling and 1 on 1 defense. This should be a good year for Boston, I expect to see them in the Finals with the Lakers once again...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


This blog is about the Boston Celtics, present team as well as classic dynastys will be discussed. scores and standings will be posted when the season begins.
stayed tuned for more posts.